Short answer: Click on the company you want to sell and just click the "Sell" button!
If you want to sell stock, follow these steps:
Open Grifin and go to the Home screen
Tap Companies in the bottom menu bar and click on the company you'd like to sell. Or, you can type the company's name in the Search bar at the top!
Tap the "Sell" button on the company's page
Enter the number of shares of stock you'd like to sell --OR-- you can click "Sell All" if you'd like to sell 100% of the stock you own in that company.
Follow the on-screen prompts
- A final confirmation button will appear to confirm your sale
- Your cash proceeds from the stock sale will appear in your Grifin account within 1-2 business days
IMPORTANT NOTE: Selling stock may have tax implications. Rest assured, if you had taxable activity due to selling stock, we provide you with PDF tax documents right in your Grifin app by early March of each New Year. Please keep your Grifin app installed to properly access these documents, which will be located under "Statements & Tax Documents" in the left side menu!
Once you’ve confirmed your stock sale(s), you can track the progress by clicking the "Activity" button in the bottom menu bar! If you place the sell order while the stock market is open, your order should process shortly after you placed it.