Grifin stands for the "Greatest Revolution In Finance Is Now."
Additionally, our logo has several hidden meanings that are intentional in the design.
First, in the ancient Greek world, gryphons or griffins were widely known to be guardians of treasures and priceless possessions, such as gold and other valuable items (source).
Additionally, each letter of the Grifin logo is intentionally designed to look the way it does for a reason:The "G" is intentionally designed to pass as both an uppercase AND lowercase "g," a symbol of Grifin being built for people of all ages - young, old, and everything in between.
The lowercase "r" is actually bowing forward into the lowercase "i" as a symbol of Grifin being a product that is meant for all cultures and backgrounds, as not all cultures shake hands when they meet.
The lowercase "f" is meant to represent the finance industry. You'll notice that the lowercase "i" to the right of it appears to be reaching it's arm out to the f, almost as if to shake its hand. This is meant to symbolize people shaking hands with the finance industry, a symbol of peace and mutual understanding.
We are very intentional about every thing we do. From the new features we build for you, to our marketing promotions and customer service, and to our branding, we are here to serve you and create the best, most fun and easy to understand investing experience for you.