1. Help Center
  2. Connecting Your Bank 🏦

Why did my card or bank disconnect?

Grifin uses a third-party provider, Plaid, to securely connect to your bank and cards. Your bank requires Plaid to re-verify that you want to keep our connection active. On average, this should happen once every six months. However, each bank is different! Some may never require you to re-connect, and some may do it every month.

How to reconnect your card:

You should see a pop-up when you open your app that prompts you to re-verify your bank connection. If not, head over to the Menu and then to the Banks page.

Next, click on the red alert icon to the right of your bank. This should take you through the flow to re-verify your bank connection.

If your bank or card is disconnecting more than once a month:

We recommend you completely delete this financial institution and then connect it again. This may fix the problem. Because there are so many banks and credit card providers out there, if this doesn’t fix the problem, it may just be a temporary bad connection between Plaid and your bank.

Do you want Grifin to keep investing for you even if your card disconnects?

We’re testing out a top secret new feature that allows you to continue automatically investing in companies you’ve shopped at, even if Plaid loses connection to your card. If you want early access to this feature, fill out this form.