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Why was my brokerage account limited? How do I fix it?

Are you seeing a page that looks like this in your Grifin app?

If you are, it is because our brokerage provider, Alpaca Securities LLC, has put a limitation on your account due to an issue they found with a transfer from your bank to Grifin. We apologize for the inconvenience, but thankfully, this is typically very easy to fix!

Please follow the prompt you see on your screen and click the "Email Grifin Support," and email us via the email address associated with your Grifin Profile. In your email, mention that your brokerage account was limited, and you'd like to get the limitation lifted ASAP.

Once you email us, we will then reach out to our Alpaca support team to request to lift the limitation as soon as they can, so that you can get back on your investing journey.