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What's the minimum amount of money I need to invest on Grifin?

Grifin's mission is to allow virtually anyone to have ownership in many different companies, without having to cough up a fortune to own just 1 share of 1 company.

You only need $1.00 to begin investing on Grifin, that's it. The way our technology works is, each time you transact with / make a purchase with one of the 300+ publicly-traded companies available on Grifin (or any of their subsidiaries), Grifin automatically withdraws $1 from your bank to buy $1 of stock in that company.

This happens once per week - Grifin tallies up all the purchases you made this week at public companies, and invests $1 for each transaction.

For example: So let's say that, last week you shopped on Amazon 1 time, got gas at Shell 2 times, bought lunch at Chipotle 5 times, and paid your Travelers car insurance bill 1 time. This means that, next week, Grifin will withdraw $9 from your bank to buy you $9 in stock - $1 of Amazon stock, $2 of Shell stock, $5 of Chipotle stock, and $1 of Travelers Insurance stock.

But wait, is $1 per transaction not enough for you? You can get even more serious about investing by increasing your "investment amount" in your settings at any time! You can increase this to $2, $3, $4 or more per transaction - meaning Grifin will automatically put more money away into stocks for you.